Well, that's not entirely true. I do still have class this week (let's see, class from 1-3pm, and then 5-8pm on Wednesday, and then 4-5pm and 6-8pm on Thursday, for a total remaining hours of 10 hrs of class this week), but no assignments to hand in, not after today! I handed in what is easily the longest essay of my university career thus far, clocking at EXACTLY 4000 words before the bibliography/title page at 9am on April 5th, and then got back my highest scoring assignment of my university career: a journal thing worth 20% of my total grade. My end mark? 100%. At least I'm guaranteed 20% in this class now =P
Note: In between these two paragraphs, I had about three other lengthy things typed up...and then I realized that it was about the Leafs and Raptors, and that the regular readers of this blog (i.e. my friends) are simply not as interested in that as I am. So, I deleted it, and decided to talk about something else...candy! But, moving back to the next paragraph:
Whatever, though. It's 5am right now, and I should probably be sleeping...except for the fact that I went to bed at around 4am on April 4th, woke up at 10am that day, and then didn't sleep again until 3:30pm on the 5th. I was up for...let's see....29.5 hrs? I think that's right. Anyway, not sleeping made me a bit wacky, so I skipped my tutorial (probably not a good thing, but, I dunno, I wouldn't have been able to deal with anything) to go home to sleep. It was definitely a good thing that I went home to sleep, because I was crashing even from before I left Vic. I fell asleep several times on the subway, and since I had driven to the station earlier this morning, my eyelids were closing as I was driving...not a good thing. I seem to recall that I had a conversation about when/if I wanted to have kids, and me not thinking I'd be a good father...well, that decision is several years off, so...yeah, don't have to worry about THAT! [edited for content]
Anyway, now to skip to the candy bit. To make a long story short: I don't eat that much candy. I never really got into it, you know? I didn't really eat ice cream as a kid, because of lactose intolerance, and somehow that translated to never really wanting to eat a candy bar. I did, however, have a few favourites, like any kid. Crunch is easily my favourite candy, bar none (candy BAR none? yeah? yeah?)...I dunno what it is that makes it so tasty. I often will have a candy bar when I've had little sleep/done a lot of work that day, to keep my energy up/so my blood sugar doesn't drop too much. I don't have diabetes, or anything close to it, but it doesn't hurt to be careful.
The reason I ended up talking about candy is because my friend Matteo (zomg first name used in the blog...well, first real name. I guess I can start doing that for non-sensitive stuff like this) told me that Mars bars are his favourite (or one of his favourites, at least) candy bar, and I said 'well, I've never had one'. Well, we went to Shoppers Drug Mart, and lo and behold, Mars bars were 99 cents. I will say they are tasty, but not my thing. Really, I would only say that the candy I even like a little would be Kit-Kat, Coffee Crisp, and of course Crunch...and for the first two of those three, I wouldn't really care if I never had another one again. Even for Crunch; if I never ate a Crunch bar again, I wouldn't die, because candy = meh in general. However, it's still good enough to be my favourite of the ones I DO eat, so...w00t! M&M Peanuts are also up there, but I don't consider those to be candy BARS, just candy in general....but still, Crunch is the best.
Anyway, since I deleted part of the post I had previously written, the timeframe for this post is weird. It's now 7am, and I'm still wide awake...I guess I DID sleep from 3:30pm to about 1am, straight, so I think I'll just try and stay up until I come home later today (class ends at 8pm, at which point I'm going to head home, not sticking around at all), and sleep at a normal time. w00t for fixing sleep schedules and another w00t for candy (well, a semi-w00t)! You know what they say, carpe diem and all that!
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