Chris Hemsworth is an awesome actor, and I'm glad he got the chance to shine in this movie. I feel as if we'll be seeing him in a lot of other movies, as he was just the right amount of likable for a Marvel movie + the right amount of badass...because, let's face it, you NEED to be a badass in order to wield a giant ****ing hammer. Tom Hiddleston absolutely stole the show, however. While Anthony Hopkins, Natalie Portman and Idris Elba (the last of which was SO BADASS ALL THE TIME) were their usual amounts of awesome, Hiddleston was someone I had never really seen before...and my goodness, he was easily the best actor here. The perfect choice for Loki, who has also been cast as the villain of 'The Avengers', he just mesmerized the audience in every single scene he appeared in. As I've mentioned before, I've long enjoyed the villains way more than the good guys, and Loki just leapt to near the top of my list, solely because of Hiddleston.
I'd give this movie an 8/10, I think. IM1 would be a 9.5/10, with IM2 a 7/10. Hulk would be a 6/10...but, yes, Thor was awesome. The special effects were super cool, too, but don't go see it in 3D like I did, it's not really worth it. The end credits scene only really makes sense for people who are fans of the comic books, but stick around and see it even if you're not; it's still a treat to just watch. Finally, a certain actor (who has only recently become famous, thanks to 'The Hurt Locker') makes a cameo in a certain role....his character is never called by name, but there is absolutely no question who that character is supposed to be. People who are not fans of the comics probably won't get who he is beyond some random government thug (which isn't his backstory, it just makes sense within the context of the movie), but people who ARE fans (and even the lightest of Marvel fans would be able to know who he is solely by his weapon of choice) will definitely recognize him the moment he runs out onto the big screen.
My goodness, the geek in me came out several times during this movie. The fight scenes were cool, and there was just so much fan service in terms of in-jokes, dialogue, the aforementioned cameo, other supporting good, sooooo good. I should also mention that the previews showed an extended trailer for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. That movie, honestly, is going to be bad. I'm sorry, it's not going to be a good movie. Having said that, it IS going to make an assload of money, just like HP7 Part II will, and just like Transformers III will. Of those three, HP7 Part II will probably be the best actual movie in terms of quality, but even then, that's not saying much, considering the HP movie franchise is not the best when it comes to quality. Yes, the universe is wildly entertaining, but....the movies get a huge meh from me (other than Ralph Fiennes, that is, he is so deliciously evil). Oh, also, there was a movie where Zoe Saldana was shown (as the star of a movie where she is a trained assassin) goodness, she is definitely one of the sexiest women ALIVE. I mean, maybe 2nd, after George (I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF, THE JOKE WAS THERE TO BE MADE, OKAY?!).
Ah well, though. Thor is a fantastic movie, and knowing all the people who read my blog, I think you would ALL enjoy this movie. Even if you're not a comic fan (and really, only ONE other person who reads this would fit that category), this movie is still a fun summer flick, and is truly 'that' movie which always kicks off the summer blockbuster season. It's fun, there are pretty women, snappy dialogue, jokes, interesting and fairly deep characters, continuity with previous and future movies, and everyone manages to avoid the trap of making their characters stiff. Every single one of the characters, in my opinion, were well portrayed, and that definitely helps to suspend my disbelief. Now that Thor is done (soooo good ahhhhhhhh), that leaves the following movies on my summer list:
Captain America (midnight)
Harry Potter 7 Part II (midnight)
X-Men: First Class (midnight)
Cowboys and Aliens (midnight)
Transformers III
Green Lantern
I think I may be leaving one or two off that list....suffice to say, I'm going to a lot of midnight releases. I may remove X-Men: First Class, but my god, I am going to see Captain America at midnight if I have to walk there by myself through a hurricane. Harry Potter I kind of want to see at midnight if only to say I saw the LAST HP movie at midnight, because god knows that movie is going to obliterate every box office record known to mankind. Heck, I may even wear my Vic scarf, and then show off my college as well as pretend to be from Gryffindor at the same time =P Cowboys and Aliens...Harrison Ford AND Daniel Craig in the same movie? Uh, yeah, midnight. The other two get meh/10, so, I'm just going to see them whenever....probably the day AFTER they come out, hehe.
But, seriously, the god of thunder sure knows how to have a fun time, whether it's in Asgard or on Earth, and I'm sure you guys will have fun watching him blow stuff up...I know I did =P
I definitely plan to check Thor out (and the rest of the movies on that list). Also, I think you'd enjoy watching this: