But, bad boys. I was trying to be clever by working in the movie reference, but the real topic of this post are bad boys. You know what I'm talking about, those dudes who walk around with their leather jackets and all that....well, okay, I have a leather jacket, so that's clearly not the only criteria to be one. To be completely honest, I'm not 100% sure what a bad boy is. Is it just someone who doesn't follow the rules? Is it someone who just goes around with a bad attitude? I have no idea, really. What I DO know, though, is that for some reason, women seem to be attracted to these types of guys like flies to a dead body. Maybe that's a bad analogy, comparing women to flies and bad boys to dead bodies...but, ah well, too late now, there's no going back.
I had a brief conversation about this subject with a friend of mine a while ago. She postulates that girls are attracted to bad boys because they represent the thrill of danger, the unknown, and it's that unknown that makes people want to investigate it more. The mystery, the possibility of discovering something new, that's why the bad boy attitude/personality attracts people. I wonder if that's actually true...I mean, it sounds pretty much right. I think it's silly that women feel that way in the first place, but it still sounds like it's probably true. For example, I have another friend who seems to be attracted to this type of guy. I will preface this next little anecdote with the comment that I have never met this guy. I have only seen pictures of him thanks to Facebook, and via his BBM picture. To be completely honest, giving him the moniker of 'bad boy' almost seems to be doing him a favour. From everything I have seen of him, which includes digital conversations as well as those aforementioned pictures, he just seems....well, disgusting. He does look like a 12 year old (I should know, my brother is 12 years old, and he looks more mature than this dude), and he seems to enjoy hitting on women with reckless abandon. Guys like this, who think they're god's gift to women....they drive me insane. Maybe it's because my friends (the guys, I'm talking about them specifically here) aren't like that at all, so it just seems annoying. I never ever understand why women are attracted to those types. Perhaps it's the confidence. I know plenty of people who appreciate confidence in a guy, and that's perfectly fine. There IS a difference between confident, and being a sleazy, flirty annoyance. But, the end result? These type of guys seem to attract way more women than the other type: nice guys.
So, on one hand, you have these pseudo 'bad boys', and on the other hand, you have these 'nice guys'. You know the saying that's tied into this, I'm sure you do: nice guys finish last. Thus far in my life, I have seen nothing to prove that saying wrong. Nearly every girl I've become friends with have expressed far more attraction at some point for the guy who looks like he's a bad boy. Even if they've never met the dude in their LIFE, the bad boy look is what pulls them in. If there's one lesson that Hollywood teaches you, it's 'don't worry, everything will work out in the end'. What a load of bull. That, unfortunately, is NOT how life works out....but, bleh, here I am being a negative person again. The same friend who I had the conversation about bad boys with earlier, I also had a discussion with her on why nice guys seem to always finish last. Nice guys are...well, nice to everyone! They're not just nice to people who they are romantically interested in, but they're nice to literally everyone. This, apparently, makes girls think that they're not being treated specially, because it seems like everyone is getting the same treatment. So, what's the solution? You have to do something that makes the girl/person you're interested in seem like they ARE being treated specially. She also got this from some video or something....I paid attention to HER, but that video was just way too boring for me to watch the whole way through. Fortunately for me, she told me the 'lesson' the video was trying to impart...so...win!
Anyway, that's a nice lesson. It is true, and I definitely agree with it to a point....but, even so, I feel as if 'nice guys', even when making that extra effort to make sure they're noticed to the girl they're interested in, that it doesn't actually do anything. Considering I have done that myself, long before I ever was TOLD that this was something that might work...well, it doesn't work. I have found that if a guy WAS to do this, then the following will happen. You'll just get put farther into the friend zone, because you're now a sweet guy who cares just enough to help them out, but in a brotherly sort of way, not a boyfriend sort of way.
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what the point of me publishing this post was. It was just an issue that had been irritating me for a while, and I was watching 'Bad Boys' today, and just decided to post it...also, I haven't posted anything in a while, so...woo. I'm also writing for another blog, for the vicorientation.ca blog, so that's my excuse. Anyway, as usual, feedback = win. Off to bed!
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