Thursday, July 7, 2011

hugh jackman ftw pt 2!

First of all, the post is referencing a previous blog post I made back in February: w00t self promotion on my own blog =P But, onwards.

I love my mom. I don't say that enough, you know? I mean, I don't really say it to HER often enough. I really should do it more. I also don't hang out with her as much as I used to, which is unfortunate, but unavoidable during the summer, thanks to work + exec + VUSAC. But, tonight, we went and hung out for the first time in a while, and we went to go see Hugh Jackman perform live at the Princess of Wales theatre! It was absolutely hilarious, he was just so natural at it. He told anecdotes, and related heart-felt stories, and sang and was great. The live orchestra was upbeat and jazzy, and everyone had an awesome time. I think one of the awesome things about the show as well was that he had two backup singers/dancers...but, they weren't just ANY girls. They've starred in some major Broadway musicals; one of them was so famous even *I* had heard of her. Their names were Merle Dandridge and Angel Reda, the latter being the one I had previously heard of. Dandridge had been in 'Rent' and 'Spamalot', two legendary musicals...and Reda played the role of 'Elphaba' from Wicked, on Broadway. I also have to say, while Hugh Jackman is an attractive guy...those two girls were absolutely smoking hot. Especially Angel Reda, she was this tiny blonde chick who was absolutely gorgeous. I was sitting kind of far away and I couldn't really look away from her whenever she was on stage. Of course, Hugh Jackman was on stage far more, as it IS a one-man show, so...woo!

I should say, if I haven't before, that he is one of my favourite actors. He's up there with Ian McKellen, Liam Neeson and, of COURSE, Harrison Ford (who is at the top bar none). I actually think if I ever met Harrison Ford, I would legitimately faint. Tom Brady would also have such an effect on me...but, he's not an actor. He HAS hosted SNL as well as cameo'd (as himself) on Entourage, but, whatever. He's great.

But, yes, the show was great. I got to hang with my mom, and got to see Hugh Jackman live. Honestly, one of my friends would have LOVED it. I sure did, and I KNOW she would have. It's funny, she's ALSO a super attractive tiny blonde chick as well! What a coincidence. She also can read this blog, so...uh.....I guess that means I have to say something mean. Um...she's crazy? Wait, that's not mean, that's just the truth. Hehehe....awww yeah. People who know her will agree with me when I say that when she says 'hello' (more like 'hel-LAOW!'), it's the most entertainingly awesome thing ever. w00t!

Honestly, I have not much else to talk about in this post. I COULD talk about my super attractive friends some more (it's kind of ridiculous. I mean, how is it that ALL of my friends are just nice AND super hot? Yes, I am primarily referring to the women, but the guys aren't bad looking. awww yeah, Matteo. =P), but that's boring. It'll just stroke their egos more, hehe. Transformers 3 I hear was good. The last movie I saw in theatres was Green Lantern, and we all know how THAT turned out (in case you didn't, let me spoil it for you: it was crap). I think a nice Transformers movie, a franchise of which I have been a fan of for literally my entire life, will wash the disgust out of my mouth...and by mouth, I mean psyche. That GL crap will scar you, man, I'm telling you. I also want to see Cars 2. I mean, Cars was never an awesome movie, though I liked it a lot. It was passable for a Pixar movie (that's always the bad rap it gets, 'it's passable for a Pixar movie' =P), because the characters are one-dimensional and a little annoying. I mean, they pull out all the crappy storytelling stops: arrogant asshole who thinks he doesn't need anyone realizes that he doesn't have any friends, and is forced to slow down and see the errors of his ways, and once he does, he finds true love and happiness. I mean, my GOD. Could there be a larger cookie cutter story frame? But, regardless, I still really enjoy the culmination of the movie, and it's a nice ending. Cars 2 seems to falter from the get-go, if only because Lightning McQueen, already a paper-thin character to begin with, is relegated to a supporting role, while the annoying Mater is the main focus. It just seems silly, since McQueen was the MAIN character in the first one, so the movie seems to have that weirdness going for it. I haven't actually SEEN this movie, remember that, but I really want to...and I'm sure I'll enjoy it, but let's just say that Kung Fu Panda 2 will probably be taking home the Oscar for Best Animated Picture this coming year =P

Before I end, I also want to show you guys this video, since Carrie showed it to me (also, Carrie is awesome. Just sayin'). So gooooood. It's a Weird Al parody of 'Party in the USA'....called 'Party in the CIA'. This is legitimately one of my favourite Weird Al parodies EVER. He's had some really good ones, but this just proves he still has it. He's coming to Massey Hall on July 16th! Maybe I'll go =P Anyway, it's 12am, and I once again have work in the morning. ugh, I hate getting up early. I am definitely NOT a morning person. Anyway, caaaatch you all later!

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