Saturday, November 19, 2011


I was somewhat convinced to use Tumblr, and, as far as posting videos and funny pictures goes, I feel as if it's a better medium than blogspot is. As far as posting actual blog posts goes, however, I think blogspot is a far better tool. I was told that blog posts on Tumblr are better because then you somehow don't feel obligated to post long things. I never have really felt obligated to post something long, it just kind of turns out that I ramble, so...I suppose a better medium for me WOULD be blogspot. Anyway, Tumblr is just another little fun tool to share songs and what not, so...w00t. My Tumblr is, by the way, if you are interested.

It's been a while since my last blog post; initially it was because we had no internet at our new place, so I couldn't update as regularly as I would have liked, but afterwards it became simply because I was insanely busy. I'm pretty sure I've been to more hours of meetings and extracurricular things this semester, than I have for anything else, class included. That's kind of terrible, hehe. Ah well, though. It's also weird, the last time I posted, my summer had just ended. Now, the first semester is almost done! I think I'm going to try and post a little bit more often (though not perhaps as often as I once did, especially during the summer), so I guess we'll see how that goes.

Not much going on here. 2:15am, I just got finished watching The Breakfast Club. All in all, I did not enjoy it as much as I expected to, considering its talked about so much. It just oozed teen angst, and perhaps that was the point, I grant, but it just did not make me care, really. Okay, yeah, I get it, teenagers face problems, and boohoo for them. I was a teenager once too, and I went through those same problems, and yet I just don't care about that movie. I don't know what else to say, was just boring. It's funny, my roommate/best friend tried to get me to watch the TV show 'Treme', a show made by the makers of 'The Wire', which is about the survivors of Hurricane Katrina in the city of New Orleans. Treme is the name of the neighbourhood that all the characters are in, and its about their lives as they come back into the city or try and rebuild what they had. Granted, I only watched about 3/4 of the first episode, and yet I was just as bored as I was watching 'The Breakfast Club'. Honestly, in both was because the show/movie was about the characters. I don't watch things like that to absorb a character study, or a commentary on real life. I watch these things to be entertained. If it's not entertaining, why am I watching it? In the cases of that TV show, as well as this movie, they just weren't entertaining. It was just simply boring.

I came home (I live downtown now, woooo) tonight; one of my other roommates was having a party at our place, and so I just decided to go home, rather than take part in a party in which I know only one person. My other roommate/best friend decided to go spend the night at our other best friend's place...I wasn't invited to join them, haha, so I just decided to make the trek back to Scarborough (which, to be fair, was made far easier by the generosity of my other friend who was still downtown). I have to say, it's one goddamned long trek back so late at night, I had almost forgotten. Had those two invited me, I probably would have stayed downtown with them, which would have been nice, as now Friday night seemed to have ended in a titanically boring way, haha. Although, I CAN now go play video games, such as Madden 12 or Skyrim. I'm afraid of doing it, and then losing track of time, and playing for hours. Maybe tomorrow morning, instead! As for now, probably best to sleep. woo!

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